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Campus Life
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We help students resolve difficulties occurring on campus to maintain and improve both quality and convenience of student life.
» Emergency Aids
» Student Insurance
» Lost and found
» Related Regulations

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There are around 180 student clubs at NTHU. The Division of Student Activities is a gateway for those who want to participate in school clubs or school activities at NTHU.
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We provide comprehensive services and various activities to guide students in planning their future career path in advance of entering the job market.
» Campus recruitment
» Company visit and Career speech
» One to one career consultation

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National Tsing Hua University has built 27 dormitories which are desirable living quarters for students.
» About Dorms
» Dormitory service center
» Housing Application
» Applying for dormitory repairs
» More information….

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The Health Center provides consultation on health issues, new student health examination and general clinical services including the treatment of injuries for all faculty and students.
» Service
» Health Consultation
» Automated External Defibrillator (AED)
» Downloads

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The goal of the Counseling Center is to promote mental health of students, faculty, and staff. We are a professional team including licensed counseling psychologists, licensed social workers, and psychiatrists.

» Intake Counseling                               » Resource Room
» NTHU Advisor System Implementation   » Groups and Workshops
» Testing and Assessment                     » Outreach and Workshops
» More information…..

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NTHU has 13 kinds of sport facilities and 14 school sport teams. Students, faculty and staff enjoy state-of-the-art recreational facilities and fitness programs.
» Sport Facilities Usage
» How to join school sport team

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